Recent Results from WASP0

The RMS vs magnitude diagram achieved by aperture photometry after correction of systematic errors. The data shown include around 7800 stars at 311 epochs from a single night of WASP0 observations and only includes those stars for which a measurement was obtained at 90% of epochs. The night in question was 8th August, 2000 during which 50 second exposures were taken and, although the night was clear, was during bright time. The location of HD 209458 on the diagram is indicated by a 5-pointed star. The black curve indicates the theoretical noise limit with the 1-sigma errors being shown by the dashed lines either side.
(click on figure for larger version)

Results of a transit model fit to the data obtained of HD 209458 showing the folded data with the best fit model. The fit parameters for the planetary transit of HD 209458 are a depth of 1.7%, a duration of 2.790 +/- 0.015 hours, and a period of 3.5239 +/- 0.0003 days.
(click on figure for larger version)